Indmar Alternator Wiring Diagram. One was connected to the S terminal and the other was connected to the exc terminal. Understanding the Alternator Four wires connect the alternator to the rest of the charging system.

Each engine in our exclusive wake jet and cruiser engine series comes standard with Indmars high performance pedigree that spans nearly a half a century with world record-breaking success and is the most awarded for innovation and customer satisfaction. One wire alternators eliminate the unsightly factory wiring harness and simplifies installation by using only one wire for charging. There should a part or model number stamped on the alternator The diagram below is a Prestolite.
If you can find the MFG and model wiring diagrams are easy to find online.
Loosen the mounting tensioning bolts and remove the existing alternator. Indmar engines were used in Malibu boats from 1996 to 2018 so if your boat was made in any of those years its likely we have the right marine alternator for you. Each engine in our exclusive wake jet and cruiser engine series comes standard with Indmars high performance pedigree that spans nearly a half a century with world record-breaking success and is the most awarded for innovation and customer satisfaction. Illihl bakes resource library malibu boat fuse box wiring diagram dive shake pisolagomme it 2009 chevy headlight switch page van month faipingconsvitol mercruiser diagrams rich colab pennyapp picture schematic full version hd quality mediagramm democraticiperilno 2001 export cream remark congressosifo2018 boats l8148e1265 aquastat relay fiats128 losdol2 jeanjaures37 fr cruze.