Dimarzio Ibz Wiring Diagram. Its an easy process that can teach you a lot about how your guitar works and get you started down the road of guitar modifications. We highly recommend learning how to change the pickups in your guitar.

Some early series of pickups were also branded as IBZUSA. The neck pickup is fairly bright-sounding similar to a Super 2 DP104. 2-Humbucker 1 PushPull Neck Tone split both pickups.
RG Wiring DiMarzio Bridge HumbuckerIBZ Middle Single CoilIBZ Neck Humbucker IBZ 5-Way Switch 1 Push-Pull Volume Dual Sound Bridge 1 Tone.
3 way Tele switch. Changing the pickups can alter your tone. RG Wiring DiMarzio Bridge HumbuckerIBZ Middle Single CoilIBZ Neck Humbucker IBZ 5-Way Switch 1 Push-Pull Volume Dual Sound Bridge 1 Tone. 3 way Tele switch.