Control Wiring Diagram Of Ats. Standard Diagrams Transfer between 2 sources - 3 Bus bars COMUT 050 A T1 T2 Q2 Q4 ATS Q1 Q3 ATS CL CL NCL Q5 COMUT 049 A T1 CL CL P1 P3 NCL P2 T2 P4 Standard solution SOCOMEC solution 1 Sources are 2 transformers 2 Sources are 1 transformer and 1 genset COMUT 052 A T1 Q3 Q1 Q2 ATS NCL CLCL G COMUT 051 A T1 P1 P3 P4 NCL P2 Standard SOCOMEC Operating table. Wiring the ATSGTS to the UPS The ATSGTS should be wired to the UPS as shown in Figure1 below.

How to dimension a panel how to manufacture panels how to interface a panel with a diesel generator. Standard Diagrams Transfer between 2 sources - 3 Bus bars COMUT 050 A T1 T2 Q2 Q4 ATS Q1 Q3 ATS CL CL NCL Q5 COMUT 049 A T1 CL CL P1 P3 NCL P2 T2 P4 Standard solution SOCOMEC solution 1 Sources are 2 transformers 2 Sources are 1 transformer and 1 genset COMUT 052 A T1 Q3 Q1 Q2 ATS NCL CLCL G COMUT 051 A T1 P1 P3 P4 NCL P2 Standard SOCOMEC Operating table. Likewise battery CB of the UPS has to be turn-off.
September 11 2018 by Larry A.
Auxiliary Free Contact interface. In reality you may get even less because loads on L1 and l2 are often imbalanced and by the way it is recommended to load the breakers only up to 80 Ats Control Wiring Diagram- wiring diagram is a simplified adequate pictorial representation of an electrical circuitIt shows the components of the circuit as simplified shapes and the capability and signal contacts amid the devices. Purchase the how to make amf ats panes. Fig 5 shows 4-Poles 3-Phase automatic transfer switch ATS connection to the main distribution board.