Bmw E30 Instrument Cluster Wiring Diagram. August 10 2009. 1983 e30_83pdf 10867285 bytes e30_83zip 7171106 bytes.

The tach MPG meter of the 325 is a different set-up that the tach Oil temp gauge of the M3 so keep that in mind. I need the wiring diagram for in connector on a I need the wiring diagram for in connector on a BMW Z4 instrument cluster I need to know the positives and the ground pins so I can turn on and illuminate the cluster. 1988 e30_88pdf 21603218 bytes e30.
The instrument cluster has three plugs on the back that are large and color coded as to where they go.
The temperature gauge Ive only ever seen work twiceIm assuming its a loose connection 3. Since i know if no wiring diagrams for the inside of a bmw instrument cluster i suggest taking the cluster apart and. To make it easier for you weve provided as much documentation as. BMW - electrical systems - WIRING DIAGRAM Models covered.