Active Guitar Wiring Diagram. We also offer custom drawn guitar or bass wiring diagrams designed to your specifications. You can see what weve done so far in Figure 3.

A Red or White wire depending on the model that is the Hot Wire and also a Bare Inner Wire that will be used as a Ground. Our wiring techs can design a custom wiring diagram for any brand and type of pickups with your choice of custom controls and options. CM Stereo Wiring Diagram.
Ibanez - AR300CS Wiring - 2 Hum 2V 2T Dual Switches Ibanez - Artcore Guitar 1v1t Wiring - 2 Hum 1V 1T Ibanez - Artcore Guitar 2v2t Wiring - 2 Hum 2V 2T Ibanez - Artcore Bass Wiring - 1 Hum 1V 1T Ibanez - ATK100 Bass Wiring - Triple Coil Pickup Passive Ibanez - ATK300 Bass Wiring - Triple Coil Pickup Active Ibanez - BTB400 Bass Wiring - Dual Pickups Active.
Used on the Carvin DC127 model KIT 40 2 Pickup guitar with a 3-way pickup selector 1 volume 1 tone TOP COIL A BOTTOM COIL B R W B G RED and WHITE wires. Ibanez - AR300CS Wiring - 2 Hum 2V 2T Dual Switches Ibanez - Artcore Guitar 1v1t Wiring - 2 Hum 1V 1T Ibanez - Artcore Guitar 2v2t Wiring - 2 Hum 2V 2T Ibanez - Artcore Bass Wiring - 1 Hum 1V 1T Ibanez - ATK100 Bass Wiring - Triple Coil Pickup Passive Ibanez - ATK300 Bass Wiring - Triple Coil Pickup Active Ibanez - BTB400 Bass Wiring - Dual Pickups Active. HSS HSH SSS congurations with options for NorthSouth coil tap seriesparallel phase more. Ibanez-style HSS - 1 Vol 1 Tone Coil Tapped More Info.